Save the Date!

Mark your calendar and invite all of your friends to this wonderful event. Comedy Night 2025 will take place on Saturday, April 5, 2025. It will be held at Orchard City Banquet Hall, 1 W. Campbell Ave., in Campbell, CA.

Watch this space for start time, ticket information, and more — coming soon.

Eyeglass Sorting Event


Lions Club
Eyeglass Recycling

A Lions Partnership with Lions in Sight and Vista Center for the Blind & Visually Impaired

sign-Lions Recycle for Sight

This is a volunteer event to help sort and clean donated used eyeglasses. Volunteer for part of the time, or work the entire event. Lunch will be provided. You do not need to sign up in advance for this event.

  • Help sort, clean, and box eyeglasses for shipment.
  • No heavy lifting required. 
  • No previous experience required.
  • Willingness to have fun while volunteering a plus!
  • Suitable for most skill levels/abilities.
  • Donations of clean towels and apple boxes also accepted.
    • Please, bring apple boxes only (for consistent size). Speak to the produce manager at your local grocery store to see if you can pick up their empty apple boxes.
  • Date: Saturday, February 1, 2025
  • Time: 9:00am-2:00pm
  • Location: Vista Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired, 101 N. Bascom Ave., San Jose.
    (Building is at the rear of the property).


  • Lions are in receipt of 100,000 or more used eyeglasses every couple of months through an anonymous corporate relationship. More than 750,000 used eyeglasses have been recycled with the help of volunteers.
  • The recycled prescription eyeglasses are distributed to the needy in Lions in Sight and Lions Clubs International sponsored international medical missions
  • Vista Center has graciously provided a room at their San Jose location for storage, and use of their auditorium for sorting and cleaning the donated eyeglasses

Donate your old eyeglasses.

Do you have a pair of old but usable eyeglasses to donate? We collect used eyeglasses for reuse by those in need. In our area, you can drop off your gently used (not broken or scratched) eyeglasses at the following locations:

  • Family EyeCare Center, 338 E. Hamilton Ave. @ Central Ave., Campbell. Map/directions.
  • Vista Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired, 101 N. Bascom Ave., San Jose (Dropbox located outside lobby door.) Map/directions.

Weekly Activity: Lensometer Training & Use

sign-Lions Recycle for Sight

Volunteers needed to help measure used eyeglass lens strength

Lensometer training & use continues on Tuesdays, from 9:00am-11am, 11:00am-1:00pm, and 1:00pm-3:00pm. Six volunteers are needed for Lensometers per shift. Additional volunteers can also help sort and clean donated eyeglasses (the steps that occur before measuring the prescription with a lensometer). We sort donated eyeglasses to pick out the pairs that are not scratched or broken and can be reused as is. The broken eyeglasses are recycled.

About lensometer trainings

A lensometer is used to measure the strength of each lens in a donated pair of glasses, so that we can label and sort the used eyeglasses to be given to someone in need. We have many thousands of pairs of glasses to be tested and labeled.

Monthly Activity: Sorting & Labeling Donated Items

Help sort and label donated clothing, toiletries, etc. for The Grateful Garment Project

On the third Thursday of each month, from 2:00-4:30pm, we help The Grateful Garment Project sort and label newly donated items. Contact us if you would like to join us at one of these sorting events.

The Grateful Garment Project provides victims of sexual violence the clothing and other resources they need to reclaim their dignity and begin the healing process. They work with hospitals, shelters, law enforcement and other nonprofits to meet victims’ immediate needs after a crisis, and support their ongoing needs along their road to recovery

Left: emergency whistles have been labeled. Right: Lions sit at a table attaching labels to new items.

Monthly Activity: Packing Meals @ Martha’s Kitchen

On the second Wednesday of the month we volunteer at Martha’s Kitchen, packing meals into take out boxes to be given to needy individuals. This takes place from 2:40-5:00pm. Contact us to join us for an afternoon of volunteer service. No cooking or heavy lifting is required.

  • Volunteers must bring proof of Covid vaccination
  • Masks are required
  • Closed-toe shoes only.

Martha’s Kitchen in San Jose is a nonprofit soup kitchen that currently provides nearly 100,000 meals and 250,000 pounds of groceries each month to those in need.

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